Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I've recently read two good first person accounts of pilgrim walks to Santiago. If you are interested the first one is available, (I got it in a local used book store), the other would be difficult to find.

1. fumbling by Kerry Egan. she is a young woman who walked the Camino in 1999 a year after her father's death. the subtitle says a lot about the book, "a Pilgrimage tale of love, grief, and spriitual renewal on the Camino de SAantiago.

2. El Camino De santiago: rites of Passage by Wayne Chimenti. Wayne is a boat captain in Washington state and I think the book was a small print addition. My brother-in-law met Wayne and got a signed copy for me.

there are other interesting and at times strange books on the Camino, you might want to do a search if you are interested.

a week til we fly out... walking every day now. all is well


1 comment:

Fay C. said...

I'm so excited that you are doing a blog for your "walk". It is such a great way to share what you are doing with all those who care about you. Fay, St. Christophers webmaster.