Thursday, April 24, 2008

A long day

We walked 8 hours today, 27K. The road was good but it was hot and we had to take a number of breaks along the way. All in all it was a good day but tiring. We are in Logrono tonight and will be looking for food shortly. Dinner in spain does not start until 9 pm, so we will not be dining out as the refugio closes at 10 and I do not want to be locked out!

It takes a lot of energy just to walk as much as we have been walking and we find ourselves with just enough energy to clean our clothes, take a shower, eat and relax for awhile before bed around 10 pm.

When you walk this long and far it is easy to feel all the aches and pains of your life and to think about your mortality. Not in a bad way but in a way that simply makes you appreciate your life at this moment in time. I am very happy to be walking here at this time. And, No blisters or other health problems. All is good and God is a blessing.


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