Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday in Fromista

Jess and I walked 25k to fromista today. it was a good walk, a bit hot but really beautiful in places. We took some time to relax and to tell dog stories with other pilgrims yesterday and that helped the sadness we had at the loss of gyspy. Marla told us that she had cancer and that the vet suggested the best thing to do at this point was to let her go. So Marla had to do the hard work of being with her as the vet took care of things. I was sorry not to be with her. All of you who have pets know the pain you feel at the loss of a friend.

so, Blessed moments:

Pilgrim masses, and beautiful statues. walking with my daughter in the woods. sleeping in an alberge and waking in the middle of the night to the sound of snoring! sitting with pilgrims and talking in many languages. showering in tight spaces. laundry to dry on the line. Hawks on the wing and farmers plowing. repairing a small stone wall. churches old, cold with flowers and loving care. Hospilator who cooks dinner, three courses. explaining america, watching spanish tv. the cathedral in Burgos. El cid and his wifes grave. side alters to st james. Irish beer with jess, talking together, listening. the kindness of strangers. eating strange and wonderful food, chinese dinner. sleeping in bunk beds up and down. hardwood floors worn out with time and use. sunlihgt laughing. feet up, no pain, sleeping, getting good advice on the next days walk, new and old friends. The Camino is made up of all these things and more... much much more.


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